User talk:Barash

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I am a novice developer, trying to understand how to get the object that the player is looking at using the example of a specific plugin.

I found a plug-in on the network that allows you to open doors when executing a command, in it I was interested in the implementation of obtaining data about the object that the player is looking at, but when I try to execute the command I get an error

if (PhysicsUtility.raycast(new Ray(look.aim.position, look.aim.forward), out RaycastHit hit, Mathf.Infinity, RayMasks.BARRICADE_INTERACT))
            InteractableDoorHinge hinge = hit.transform.GetComponent<InteractableDoorHinge>();

            if (hinge != null)
                InteractableDoor door = hinge.door;
                bool open = !door.isOpen;

                Util.ToggleDoor(door, open);

                UnturnedChat.Say(caller, Util.Translate("door_toggle", open ? "opened" : "closed"));

                if (open && BreakAndEnter.instance.Configuration.Instance.AutoCloseDoors)
                UnturnedChat.Say(caller, Util.Translate("invalid_door"));
            UnturnedChat.Say(caller, Util.Translate("no_object"));''
error: An error occured while executing storage []: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at SDG.Unturned.VolumeManager`2[TVolume,TManager].Raycast (UnityEngine.Ray ray, UnityEngine.RaycastHit& hitInfo, TVolume& hitVolume, System.Single maxDistance) [0x0002d] in <92cd15f8f69f4be2b774ed1e0c34e0c2>:0

I suppose that I have something wrong with the conditional construction, namely an error due to RayMasks.BARRICADE_INTERACT, but I didn’t find the documentation, so I can’t think of anything with a solution, please help

Hey, Barash! The wiki's talk pages should be used for wiki-related purposes -- not troubleshooting, debugging, modding help, etc. You should use a more relevant community instead, such as our forums. (talk) 21:01, May 3, 2023 (UTC)