Sign designs

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Sign tags allow you to decorate flags, placards, signs and other objects that allow text. All tags can be stopped/ended by including a slash before the Tag </#ffffff>.

Design Tag Name Preview Example Text Description
RBGA <#ffffff00> Color Example.png <#ff0000>Red <#00ff00>Green <#0000ff>Blue <#ffffff><alpha=#ff>A<alpha=#80>l<alpha=#60>p<alpha=#40>h<alpha=#20>a Changes the color of text, the last two digits changes the opacity.
Alpha <alpha=00> Alpha.png <#ffffff><alpha=#ff>A<alpha=#80>l<alpha=#60>p<alpha=#40>h<alpha=#20>a Changes the opacity of the text.
Mark <mark=#ffffff00> Mark.png <mark=#00ff0030>Target marked Overlays the text with an HTML colour code.
Styles <style=[title, h1, h2, h3, c1, c2, c3, quote]> Styles.png <style=title>Here's the title</style><style=quote>Here is the weird quote</style><style=h1>H1<style=h2>H2<style=h3>H3<style=c1>C1<style=c2>C2<style=c3>C3 Changes the text to predetermined styles.
Bold <b> Bold.png <b>Bold</b> Makes the text bold.
Italics <i> Italics.png <i>Italics</i> italicizes the text.
Strikethrough <s> Strikethrough.png <s>Strikethrough</s> Strikes a line through the text.
Underlining <u> Underline.png <u>Underline</u> Underlines the text.
Capitals <allcaps> Lowecase.png <allcaps>this has no capital letters, really! Forces all letters to be capital.
Lowercase <lowercase> Case.png <lowercase> THIS IS ALL LOWERCASE LETTERS, NOT LYING! Forces all letters to be lowercase.
Small Caps <smallcaps> Small caps.png <smallcaps> This sentence has both upper and lower case letters :) Forces all letters to be capital but previously capital letters will be bigger.
Subscript <sub> Subscript.png Sub<sub>script Makes anything after the sub tag small.
Superscript <sup> Superscript.png Super<sup>script Makes anything after the tag small and moved to the top.
Rotation <rotate=00> Rotate.png <rotate=-15>This is fake italics Rotates the text individually by degrees.
Align <align=[left, right, center, justified]> Align.png <align=right>To the right now, <align=left>To the left now <align=center>Two hops this time<align=justified> *music playing in background* Aligns the text to the selected side, justified spreads out the sentence to reach both sides.